Friday, April 15, 2011

Continued experimentation of Crisis Wars and the beginning of the development towards the combined Laboratory spaces.

36 Textures - Light to Dark

Exploring landforms & Precedent for design

       Involved in the process of sculpting the landforms I began to look for inspiration in the design: 

This house designed by Sturgess Architecture in Canada shows the space created between and the use of the light is inspiring. Although the spaces on either end are relatively different I enjoyed the concept of this design. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Parallel projection drawings & Electroliquid Aggregation

Transferring textured surfaces into Crisis Wars, experimentation.

 This exercise was a long frustrating process where nothing seemed to go right. But finally after mucking around with everything possible I have managed to transfer a 3D model from sketch up into Crisis Wars with the final of the experimentations displayed below:


Hypothesis and axonometric drawings.



1. Any two bodies in space will exert attractive forces on each other.
2. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

 Sigmund Freud 


1. The psyche can be characterised into three parts, the id the ego and the super ego.
2. People repress painful memories deep within the unconscious mind.

Maria Gaetana Agnesi


1. The area between the Witch curve and it's asymptote is four times the area of the fixed circle. 
2. The curve will never reach zero. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

EXP 1 : SketchUp Models - Dangerous & Shy




The above ground stairs are intended to be a space within themselves as the area between each platform
makes a relatively comfortable amount of space to stop and take in the surroundings.
The stairs were left without balustrades as, although it may be unsafe, I thought it suited the situation better.   

Below ground stairs. These stairs are intended to be chiseled away from the earth, as is the entire underground structure.
The intention was to keep the area subtle and enclosed.  

Below ground section

Overall composition.

Textured Surfaces




Artists Works Displayed within the Model

Section: Below ground studio. Mueck's boy sculpture displayed.
As the space was created with the implication that the space inspired Mueck to create a "shy"
sculpture of a boy I made the area large enough for the sculpture to be created, but within a enclosed
space away form the business of life in a quiet cave like space. 

Section: Above ground studio displaying Malangi's work.
The above section was taken before the entire completion of the work, although the space is the same.
As the work inspired me to think of "dangerous" I created Malangi's studio space with what is meant to be desert earth colours. The room is placed on concrete poles which support it 10 meters above the treacherous terrain.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


During the second week studio the exercise was to produce stairs to join each of the spaces created in the previous weeks. Through experimentation and applying different techniques I created two types of stairs. A double spiral staircase and a regular suspended staircase protruding from a wall.  

Section of spiral stairs

Elevation of spiral stairs

Within the following stairs I began to experiment and learn to apply the textures produced in the following weeks.
Section of suspended stairs

Inspiration from Developed Architecture

This house has inspired a few new ideas for my above ground studio. It is similar in someways to my previous SketchUp model and by looking at it and contemplating its design I hope to gain some more ideas.

The above house is in Dover Height Sydney and was designed by Durbach Block Architects.

Images from:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

36 Textures

The 36 words to describe material properties that we came up with within the tutorial were:
Rigid, Buoyant, Tense, Course, Stiff, Strong, Brittle, Hollow, Sparse, Dainty, Rugged, Harsh, Light, Springy, Flexible, Weak, Elastic, Airy, Fragile, Soft, Fluid, Flimsy, Frail, Delicate, Crude, Rustic, Heavy, Grainy, Porous, Solid, Dense, Impenetrable, Rubbery, Hard, Durable, Restricted.

Below are the 36 textures which were inspired by and meant to represent the above words.